Monday, April 30, 2007


Just got back from the sewing store, post office, and grocery store.

And I've been using my machine! MY treadle sewing machine! *dances around in circles* It's lots of fun and it's quiet.

Unfortunately it's picky about how you thread it, but oh well. =P

I'm happy!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Nothing New...

Absolutely nothing but school is going on here.... and it's all rather boring. =P

I've had to put off sewing because of it. -_- I want to sew!

But I'm almost done with Spanish II and I'll NEVER HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN!!!


Just a little happy about that. =P

I also finished Driver's Ed and took the learner's permit test thingy and I got my permit! =D The test is easy, hehe.

I got to go to the stables on Thursday, though, and I got a big sunburn on my neck and my nose.
Viola lesson is today so that's good... I just have a couple more lessons before my audition. :S I'm worried. I'm not doing so well.

At least I have a riding lesson to look forward to on Tuesday. B)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

New Viola

We decided on my new viola today! :D

Isn't it pretty? ^_^

It's a Parola 15 and 1/2 inches. and it's mine! =D Or will be next week. I have it at home, though.

I need to practice for my audition. Coming up in less than two weeks! SAVE ME! *hides*

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Riding Lesson

Today is my mom's birthday! =D But we didn't do much for her. She didn't want anything. My dad got her some flowers and we went out to dinner as a family and I made her an animation thingy. I think she enjoyed it, though.

The first thing this morning we had to go to Lovell Elementary, just like every Tuesday, and tutor kids. After that we went and visited my grandma and went home.

I practiced viola for an hour (45 minutes of scales. o.o) and my sister and mom went to piano lessons. Then they (my mom and dad) went to the high school to pick up my brother from a concert and my mom took me to

my riding lesson!! First one in two years. My teacher says I'm doing wonderfully and I get to canter next week! ^_^

I forgot how much fun it is to ride a horse. *sighs* But now I miss 'my' horsies even more when I come home. I should have pictures of them in a couple of days, as soon as the film gets developed. I rode Equity today.

After that we went out to eat, came home, had devotions, and everyone but me went to bed.

Which is where I'm going now. =P


Monday, April 23, 2007


I haven't posted here in awhiles! I'm sorry. It's been rather hectic here. Like usual.

Yesterday we sold out couch and sofa. And so we're all sitting on the floor! =P

We also sold Clefy's desk because it's bigger than he needs and he wants a smaller one once we move. So he has taken my 'desk' which is a folding table. But I don't really mind because I stopped sitting at it awhile ago. The floor rocks. =P

I'm currently working on web design homework, testing a page for accessibility for disabled people. It's not fun. At least I'm half done. I've also completed everything but the final exam on my Driver's Ed. course and when that's done I can take the test to get my permit. O.O

Sewing projects are also stacking up. =D I just finished another cloak.
Though that one is another for myself (unlined) I also helped Mom finish another cloak that we're selling to an author who's going on the fantasy tour with us. We also completed a cloak for Clefy and are working on another cloak for the fourth author going with us.

Two other cloaks are on order, too, for Kaylee and Bunn and also three tunics (one for me). Plus having to finish my dress! Hehe. Lots of sewing.

My viola audition is coming up in about two weeks as well and I'm not ready.

At least school is going well. ^_^

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I went to the stables today, first time since I found Porscha injured. I asked how she was doing and the barn manager told me that she got her stitches out on Friday and came home from the hospital but then she got colic. =( And had to be put down.

So Porscha's stall is now cleaned out and empty and her name is gone from the door. :(

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I went without posting for awhile, didn't I. =P

That's because I was in Tennessee for a week.... and just got home yesterday.

I'll write up what went on there later, now I have to go do some more important stuff. =P